Pixel Putty and Life Forms

Life Forms effortlessly creates animation for use in other 3D graphics solutions. From the simple walk generator, to high powered editing of keyframed and motion capture based animations, Life Forms out performs all other character animation tools.

Life Forms empowers you with an innovative tool to create 3D human and character motion to complement Pixel Putty and other 3D programs.

Pixel Putty imports animation from Life Forms in the BioVision BVA file format. To create animation for Pixel Putty, use the process described below

Creating Animations for Pixel Putty

It is possible to create animations for Pixel Putty with any model in LIfe Forms as long as the model's hierarchy has the same joint names as the model you will be applying the animation to.

In Life Forms

  • export one keyframe of the figure in the default position as a BioVision BVA file

In Pixel Putty

  • import the BioVision BVA file containing the figure in default position
  • using the imported markers as a guide, construct a model in Pixel Putty being careful not to change the object names

In Life forms

  • export the entire animation as a BioVision BVA file and import it into Pixel Putty

note: models can be exported to Life Forms via a third party or conversion program.


BioVision BVA plugin - Macintosh

The BioVision plugin is now available for Life Forms 2.1. Life Forms imports and exports BioVision .bvh files and exports BioVision .bva files to support motion capture data.

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